Pre-Conference Workshop // March 2024.

March 15.
DATE2: March 16.
TIME: 9:00 AM – 06:00 PM Central European Time
LOCATION: Budapest, Valyo Bázis, 7. Sqr Kosztolányi Dezső 1114

Transgenerational Sociodrama:

Exploring Collective Patterns in Hungarian Society

In-Person Workshop in Budapest by Manuela Maciel and Krisztina Galgóczi

Sociodrama is an excellent tool to work with collective topics and reflect upon obstacles and solutions. The transgenerational approach, on the other hand, allows us to recognize the patterns we have inherited from our ancestors, quite often deriving from collective and historical transgenerational traumas.

In this workshop, we will combine these two perspectives and work on a better understanding of the perceived dynamics and the collective patterns within Hungarian society. We will focus on questions brought forth by the participants, and collaboratively explore how things could be a bit different. How can we build bridges between us?

By attending this workshop, participants will:
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how sociodrama and transgenerational methodologies work together
  • Explore the application of these methodologies in addressing societal themes
  • Identify patterns inherited from previous generations that shape contemporary patterns
  • Develop strategies for fostering open dialogue and understanding of different perspectives.

After identifying some common collective transgenerational patterns in the group attending the workshop, we will choose one topic in order to better understand any collective pattern and collective traumas.

We will also identify some collective positive resources. After some enactments of the problematic situation, together with the positive resources, we will evolve to surplus reality where the true healing and consciousness power of Sociodrama resides and we will try to reflect upon different closures and solutions for this common collective trauma.


Manuela Maciel – Krisztina Galgóczi