Workshop by the Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)


Sociodrama and power
DATE AND TIME: 28th of June, Friday 9:00-12:00
CONFERENCE TOPIC: Local Community Program
TYPE: Workshop
LOCATION: Central European University (CEU), 1051 Budapest, 15 Str Nádor
MAPS: link
ENTRY REQUIREMENT: The workshop is open to professionals working on the field of ecology
TAGS: Local Communities, June28 Morning

In our team, the Environmental Social Science Research Group, we have recently started an internal reflection on hope. As professionals working in the field of environmental sustainability research, ESSRG researchers are increasingly exposed to high levels of mental stress caused by the environmental crisis. In this workshop, we would like to take the next step of this reflective work with the aim to sociodramatically process the themes of environmental anxiety, resilience, burnout, etc., and reflect on how we can preserve our mental well-being in the close study of polycrisis. 

In addition to the ESSRG team members (6-8 people), we would also invite external professionals working in a similar field (about 5 people), and we would welcome about 5-8 people from the international scene to the conference. 

Duration: 3 hours, followed by a wrap-up discussion. 

The workshop is supported by the TRIGGER project (GA 101057739).


Manuela Maciel (Portugal) is a Clinical and Social Psychologist, Psychodramatist, EMDR Practitioner and Founder of the International Sociodrama Conference (2007).
She is an experienced individual, group and educational therapist. She was the Chairperson of the Psychodrama Section of the IAGP – International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (2003-2009). Member of the board, supervisor and teacher in the Portuguese Psychodrama Society (SPP). Manuela was trained in Psychogenealogy and co-founded Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy, together with Yaacoov Naor and Leandra Perrotta.
She was the Founder and President of EMDR Portugal and Founder and Founder of the International Sociodrama Conference(2007-2023).
She wrote several articles and chapters in Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Transgenerational Therapy.

Barbara Mihók, PhD, Ecologist, mental health counsellor, ESSRG, University of Szeged,Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of Ecological Economics

Barbara Mihók, PhD is a senior research fellow. She is an ecologist and a mental health professional by training. She deeply believes that meaningful (re-)connection to our human and other-than-human fellows is the key to well-being, empowerment and development.
After the completion of her PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, she worked in inter- and transdisciplinary conservation and sustainability research at the Ecological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Economics Research Centre of the University of Szeged and various research CSOs.
Over time her interest turned towards nature and human mental well-being and became inspired by participatory and action research and inclusive science. In ESSRG she is involved in research on nature-health connection and in participatory citizen science projects with vulnerable groups. In addition to research she is a practicing mental health counsellor providing service for individuals and groups often following an eco-therapeutic approach.

Kata Horváth is a cultural anthropologist, psychodrama leader, sociodrama leader, and trainer. From 2017 to 2022, she served as the international coordinator of the PERFORMERS sociodrama project. She is a co-founder of the Szívhangok (HeartSounds) Community Theater Company, which seeks to highlight the discrimination and institutional violence faced by Roma women in the care system. Additionally, she co-founded the “Hatókör” – Scope Working Group within the Hungarian Psychodrama Association, which uses the sociodrama method in educational and social institutions working with children. She also serves as lecturer at  the Freeszfe Community Theater Training, is a directory board member of the Hungarian Psychodrama Association, and has authored numerous books and studies. She is a co-editor of the books “Playing for the Future: Sociodrama in Juvenile Detention Centers” and “Expanding Reality: The Method of Sociodrama.”
Kata is member of the LOC at the 8th International Sociodrama Conference