DATE AND TIME: 28th of June, Friday 14:00-16:30
CONFERENCE TOPIC: Sociodrama and youth – raising the next generation: sociodrama of children and young people, and the professionals and institutions working with them
TYPE: Workshop
TAGS: Sociodrama and Youth, June28 Afternoon
We will combine an idea of Gianni Rodari for creating a fairy tale or a story and the ideas of Moreno’s about sociodrama.
According to Gianny Rodari there are a Hero, a Valiant, a Secret, a Fraud, a Helper, Magic gift, a task, a question in every good story or fairy-tale.
We are considering thinking about these characters as social roles and use them for making a sociodrama together with children – The conductors and children chose a topic, everyone chooses a role among Hero, Valiant…, build a stage, and create a story playing together with children- spontaneously, improvising, experimenting.
The participants in our workshop will have the opportunity to experience this process of sociodrama from the role of the adult or from the role of the children.
We will also share this experience at the end of the workshop.
At the end of the workshop the participants will have a better understanding about this kind of work with children and will be able to apply it in their field of work.

Daniela Tahirova has a master’s degree in pedagogy, speech therapy and psychology. Psychodrama Therapist, Director of Psychodrama with Children, Family Therapist. She is conducting therapy groups for children – according to the method of A.Aachinger and W.Hall and for adults under the supervision of Dr. Daniela Simmons. Daniela Tahirova is the director of the “Psychodrama and Action Methods in Education” program, which is certified by the Ministry of Education and Science at the Adler Institute-Bulgaria. Founder and part of the board of the Balkan Association of Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Active Methods. She trains, practices and teaches Tele’Drama and GroupTherapy for children in Bulgaria.