Joined workshop by Women For Women Together Against Violence Association (NANE), Roma-Hungarian Association in Szomolya, Sajátszínház, and the Hungarian Psychodrama Association


Sociodrama and power
DATE AND TIME: 28th of June, Friday 9:00-12:00
CONFERENCE TOPIC: Local Community Program
TYPE: Workshop
LOCATION: NaNe Office, 1071 Budapest, 30 Str Dembinszky
MAPS: link
Due to the sensitive nature of the topic and in adherence to NANE’s policies, this workshop is exclusively open to female participants.
TAGS: Local Communities, June28 Morning

Our work combines the feminist support approach with the sociodrama method to respond to the structural discrimination faced by Roma women. Roma women in the countryside with poor economic conditions suffer from intensified, intersectional disadvantages. In this system, many fundamental rights are violated. It is precisely those institutions that discriminate and commit violence against vulnerable girls and women that are supposed to help them. The structural dysfunctions primarily affect the most vulnerable groups, placing them in opposition to the system’s workers. The care system workers are overwhelmed, with low material and symbolic recognition, with no professional or psychological support. The fate of many mothers often depends on the humanity of these workers.

The four partners in the consortium, formed to reduce institutional threats, share and harmonize their knowledge, methods, and experiences within a trauma-sensitive and safe space. They support both the extremely vulnerable groups of Roma women and the professionals working in institutions. To achieve this, they develop an effective group method, train professionals in its use, and raise broader public awareness of the issue.

We focus on the causes and resources rather than the symptoms.
We strengthen the community’s cohesive force instead of the individual.
We strive for partnership instead of hierarchy.
We believe in trust and empowerment rather than control.

The project is implemented with the support of the European Union’s “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” (CERV).


Kriszta Hoffmann, social worker and supervisor, associate of the NANE Association. As a case worker, she has worked and continues to work mainly in the social field (homelessness, addiction and psychiatric care, child protection), primarily with victims of domestic violence and childhood sexual abuse, trauma survivors and their families, and professionals wo are working with them. She specialises in trauma counselling and facilitating self-esteem restoration/enhancement processes, in individual and group work formats. Besides she supports as a trainer and supervisor professionals who themselves work with traumatised women and children

Irén Lázár: Social Worker, Family Caregiver
“I primarily work with disadvantaged Roma families. As a member of SZOMARO association, I have gained expertise in social work, pedagogy, and psychology. In my daily work, I engage in activities that involve Roma families, especially Roma women and girls. My responsibilities include promoting equal opportunities and integration for Roma youth, mentoring young people, assisting with their education, maintaining communication with schools, and fostering cooperation with families.”