DATE AND TIME: 27th of June, Thursday 14:00-16:30
CONFERENCE TOPIC: Sociodrama and social healing – recovery from collective crises and collective trauma
TYPE: Action Symposium
TAGS: Social Healing, June27 Afternoon
In this Symposium we will present the project “Discovering the Languages of Peace ” and the book that resulted from it. This project was funded by ERASMUS + Programm (EU). The methodological path chosen was based on the sociopsychodrama methodology and the participants were professionals that work with marginalized young people in countries from former Yugoslavia region (Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzgovina) and Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway). This project lasted for one year in which we developed twelve online workshops in the form of 3 hour webinars and a 5 day Spring School in presence, at the University of Zadar (Croatia). The aim of the project was to contribute to the transformation of conflicted communities and societies, healing traumas and building long term peace by increasing the competencies of the professionals and practitioners.
Learning objectives:
to know more about sociopsychodrama and the theoretical framework underpinning it and
to learn more about the work of professionals working with discriminated and marginalized groups
Damjanov, J., and Westberg, M. (Ed.) (2023). Discovering Languages of Peace – Handbook of Sociopsychodrama. University of Zadar. https://morepress.unizd.hr/books/index.php/press/catalog/view/106/112/1889
Galgóczi, K., Adderley, D., Belchior, M., Blasko, A., Damjanov, J., Maciel, M., Teszary, J., Werner, M., and Westberg, M. (Ed.) (2021). Sociodrama: the Art and Science of Social Change. L’Harmattan. http://sociodramanetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/sociodrama_the_art_and_science_of_social_change_nyomdai.pdf
Giacomucci, S. (2021). Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama, Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-6342-7
Moreno, J. L. (1934). Who shall survive? (F. Books, Ed.). Forgotten Books. https://reflexus.org/wp-content/uploads/whoshallsurvive.pdf
Wiener, R., and Adderley, D. (2011). Sociodrama in a changing world. Lulu.

Jana Damjanov is MSc clinical psychologist, psychodrama and sociodrama trainer and supervisor, psychodrama psychotherapist. She has been applying sociopsychodrama in many different settings: education and training, evaluation, activism and psychotherapeutic work with groups. She has been using sociopsychodrama in the context of cultural and collective trauma, working in Western Balkans countries. She has written several chapters about sociopsychodrama in different books. She is mostly active in teaching people how to apply sociopsychodrama in different contexts in working with groups and individuals for the last 15 years.

Margarida Belchior is a teacher, researcher and sociodramatist. She started her Sociodrama training in 2011 (SPP). She organized teachers Sociodrama training; was the leading person, in Portugal, for the PERFORMERS project (ERASMUS) and author in the books which resulted from this project. She created the project Public Sociodrama with Art and led Sociodrama workshops in international settings, like the 6th and 7th International Sociodrama Conference. She is part of TELE’Drama Team and is finishing her Post-Doctorate in Inclusion and Expressive Pedagogies, teaching, and doing research in Education at Lusófona University.

Mariolina Werner Guarino is part of the Swedish Psykodrama Akademin and the Swedish Association of Psychodramatists. As psychology teacher, psychodramatist, sociodramatist and sociodrama trainer, she works in schools and institutes, and with supervision. She has worked with psychodrama and sociodrama groups since 1999, offering students and teachers regular psychodrama and sociodrama courses for personal development, integration and creative reflection on social themes. She works for the National Agency for Upper Education introducing sociopsychodrama in curricula. She published in the frame European Erasmus+ Project which ended in 2021.