Marjut Partanen-Hertell
Helsinki, Finland
M.S. (Env Tech), Information Scientist, Psychodrama and sociodrama trainer TEP (Nordic Board of Examiners), Supervisor STOry (Finnish Association of Supervisors), Tele ’Drama Practitioner (CTP – L3), Member of ASGPP and IAGP, former chair of the Finnish Psychodrama Trainers MOPSI, FEPTO Network Group for Climate Change, former Member on the Board of the Finnish Association of Civil Engineers RIL, Trainer and examiner at the Helsinki Psychodrama Institute.
As environmental engineer and sociodramatist Marjut Partanen-Hertell worked in the Finnish Environment Institute for 40 years with regional development and international projects supported by the European Union and the World Bank. She is former chair of the inter-governmental working group on Public Awareness and Environmental Education of HELCOM in the Baltic Sea area, facilitating co-operation between 14 countries and various NGOs, and Finland’s former Representative on the Management Committee of the environmental financial instrument EU/LIFE. She lectures in international conferences and is an author and co-author of several books, latest Sociodrama in a Changing World (2011). She supervises private and public clients. At present her focus is on the ecological change on the Earth.
Reijo Kauppila
Tammisaari, Finland
Master of Adult education, Psychodrama trainer TEP (Nordic-Baltic Board of Examiners), Supervisor and supervisor trainer, certified business coach.
Reijo Kauppila is the director and main trainer at Helsinki Psychodrama Institute, Finland. He educates psychodramatists and psychodrama trainers in psychodrama, sociodrama and sociometry and their applications e.g. in the context of organisation and adult education. He works with adult learning (individuals and groups) in both public organisations and private companies. His field of speciality is learning and development of adults in sociometry and psychodrama. Reijo has been coordinator and co-creator in projects funded by EU, in which applications and processes of psycho- and sociodrama, and sociometry have been applied and implemented in wider contexts in Europe and neighbouring countries. Such projects are for example Enhancing social relations in adult learning (From I to We-project 2021-2023), and Evidence Based Trauma Stabilisation of families (EBTS-project 2017-2019). Reijo is former chair of training in the FEPTO Council (2023-2019), and the president of NBBE (2019-2023). At present he is interested in values and beliefs and their connection to learning for action.